Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Boy Oh Boy - Bad Blogger

Hello everyone, boy I have been a very bad blogger for not keeping you all up to date.

Where do I start !!!!!! We had our all day crop which was a fantastic day and Darren was the perfect Hubby preparing all the morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and then dinner. He even supplied take away for Jody and Dale who had a huge day at the Dylan Garage Sale. It was 10am til 10pm although some of us did kick on until wee hours of the morning. Guess who were the last 2 scrappers standing.

Last Friday was my Birthday and boy was I spoiled. Kirsty, Darren and I think that Jody was in on the surprises as well !!! When I arrived home the scrap room was filled with Hellium Balloons, Kirsty had been very busy. We were all in Party mode all the girls had made Hand Made cards which were absolutely beautiful, I was so excited reading them all. I will post a photo of all the cards tonight.

On Saturday Jody had a fantastic card class with 2 newbys Ash and Liz, Liz was actually a Virgin to scrapping but did a fantastic job. Liz kept up very well with all the girls in the class, well done Liz. We even had a special class member Mr Cooper. Thanks for a great class Jody all the girls loved it, infact they don't want to give their cards away.

We have had lots of stock arriving the newest being KI Memories Pop Coulture range, this will be on the online store over the next couple of days, or Friday Night you are welcome to come and shop when Crop Night is on. The 2 new ranges of Scenic Route has also arrived.

There is going to be a big sale at the end of the month "MOVING SALE" yes that's right we are making a few changes more will be told as the time gets closer stay tuned !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well that's all for now will do another post tonight with photo's from Friday Night.

One more thing MY BABY GIRL STEPH graduates from VIRGIN BLUE this Friday, STEPH will be given her wings on Friday Night. Steph has done so well, she has blitzed her exams as well We are so proud Well done Steph xxxx

Happy Scrapping

Deb xxxxx


Scrappy Doll said...

Hey Deb
Congrats to Steph, it's a fantastic achievement. The experience will be invaluable to her.
Thanks for a fun class last night, it was my very first class and loved every minute of it.
I'll keep those cuppaccino sachets coming, WINK WINK !!!!

Luv Joy xxxxxxxxxx

Jody White said...

I am glad you had a good Birthday, sorry I couldn't be there.

Glad you enjoyed the class those 2 girls Liz and Ash did a great job, they should be proud considering they were virgins at scrapbooking.

KI Memories Pop Coulture range is just awesome cant wait to see the rest of it.....wink wink.

"MOVING SALE" whats this I hear, theres something your not telling me.

A huge congrats to Steph on her VIRGIN BLUE blue, it looked as though you and Darren had a fab night, I hope Steph had a good night

Looking forward to the Chrissy party Sunday, when we can all let our hair down.

Take care

love Jodesxx

Wanda said...

Hey Deb - hope the Chrissy party went well. Is the shop open at all between now and Chrissy? If so I'll call in, if not I'll see ya soon. Have a great christmas!!